Hackney enjoys the complete Honey Brake experience

Latest episode of Sportsman TV available online

Roughing it smoothly – that’s how Greg Hackney and the crew spent some time last September shooting the latest episode of Sportsman TV, ‘Hackney Brake Experience.’ 

The Elite series pro (and newly minted Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the Year) headed to Jonesville to enjoy the amenities of one of the South’s finest hunting facilities, Honey Brake Lodge.

The teal on Catahoula Lake didn’t exactly cooperate for the show, but that didn’t stop Hackney and producer Jared Sarigné from having lots of fun enjoying Honey Brake’s shooting range, the plush surroundings and an impromptu crow hunt at a nearby pecan orchard.

Sportsman TV airs every Thursday night at 6:30 on CST, as well as Saturday mornings at 8:30 and Sunday mornings at 9.

To view other episodes of Sportsman TV online, click here.

About Patrick Bonin 1315 Articles
Patrick Bonin is the former editor of Louisiana Sportsman magazine and LouisianaSportsman.com.