Delacroix’s other fish is always available this month.
The Deer need your help this time of year.
Look around: There is no green except for food plots leftover from hunting season, and they are in need of fertilizer (nitrogen only lasts 90 days ). And The herd is coming off a harsh winter and rut, so they are run down.
I started a month ago with lots of minerals, especially calcium, and also feeding protein and carbs. If we are asking the a lot of my herd during hunting season (great racks and healthy numbers/ratio), then I think we should all help them get over this hump and get a jump start on next year’s fawns and horns.
The bucks are losing their horns now and getting ready/starting to grow new ones, and the does should all be pregnant.
The deer need your food lots more now than they are going to when everyone starts piling up corn in the fall.
This also is a great time to scout, as trails and leftover rubs from the fall are easy to spot. I also clear out any trees or brush that are obscuring stands during this next couple months before it gets too hot – after I have had all the turkey hunting I want.