Preseason bow-hunting prep important

Dan Preaus played baseball at Louisiana Tech during his college years, and he said playing that game and bow-hunting deer requires attention to some of the same factors.

“Preparation is important whether you’re playing baseball or getting ready to go after a buck with your bow,” Preaus said. “In baseball, physical conditioning is a key to being successful, and the same thing applies to bow hunting.

“I start shooting my bow by midsummer with the goal of conditioning muscles you’ll use for shooting a bow, as well as shooting enough to feel confident you can hit the target. I want my being able to put an arrow where I want it to become second nature, and the only way to do that is practice shooting.”

He said the mental side of the game also applies to bow hunting.

“Another comparison with playing collegiate baseball is timing,” Preaus said. “When I’m at the plate looking for a particular pitch and I get the pitch I want, instinct takes over, and to hit the ball everything has to be timed just right.

“The same thing applies to bow hunting. Your instincts tell you what the deer is likely to do — and when he turns just right, you have to be ready; you might not get another chance.”

About Glynn Harris 508 Articles
Glynn Harris is a long-time outdoor writer from Ruston. He writes weekly outdoor columns for several north Louisiana newspapers, has magazine credits in a number of state and national magazines and broadcasts four outdoor radio broadcasts each week. He has won more than 50 writing and broadcasting awards during his 47 year career.