Organizing your own hunting club

This father-and-son team both took a buck in the same morning. Many clubs are geared toward family participation.

If you think you have what it takes to organize your own hunting club, here’s how to get started:

Locate suitable property – Use word of mouth, contact landowners and timber companies, bid on school board property and look in Louisiana Sportsman’s classified ads.

Find members – Activate your social media network, put the word out at sporting goods stores and place an ad in Louisiana Sportsman’s classifieds under Club Finder.

Draft rules and elect officers – Be careful here; these decisions can literally make or break a club.

Start working – Construct stands and blinds, clear trails and plant food plots. Do enough so that everyone can hunt the first year, and then add more projects each season. Just know it’s a lot of hard work ,and will take time.

Enjoy – This is where all the hard work pays off. Enjoy what you have accomplished.

Mark Hartman, the president of a deer club in East Feliciana Parish, had this advice:  “Do your research, ask a lot of questions to landowners, ask the local game warden if there is a poaching problem in the area and about harvest data and talk with other clubs in the area. The key is to surround yourself with good members — people you know and trust.”

About Capt. Steve Himel 70 Articles
Capt. Steve Himel has hunted and fished in Southeast Louisiana for over 45 years. He operates Marshland Adventures, LLC and has been a freelance outdoor writer for the past 16 years. He is a member of the Louisiana Outdoor Writers Association.