Church Point business bottles fresh doe-in-heat urine

The makers of TT’s Buck Wild Deer Scents out of Church Point believe fresh doe estrus is better at attracting wary bucks.
The makers of TT’s Buck Wild Deer Scents out of Church Point believe fresh doe estrus is better at attracting wary bucks.

Anglers would be the first to tell you that fresh is best. I mean, who wants to eat freezer-burned speckled trout fillets a year after they were caught?

Straight from the lake to the plate — that’s where it’s at.

Gardeners and farmers’ market connoisseurs will tell you the same thing. Farm-to-plate and field-to-plate are great ways to eat because they provide the freshest ingredients possible.

Why in the world, then, would anybody want to buy deer urine that’s over a year old?

Tim Thibodeaux, owner of TT’s Buck Wild Deer Scent out of Church Point, decided a few years ago that the principles that applied to fresh food could also be applied to deer scents for hunters.

“We have real doe-in-heat urine because we collect fresh urine from does that are actually in heat,” he said. “And it’s just as fresh when you purchase it. Rather than have to produce it a year ahead just so we can get it to market, we collect it and bottle it at the same time. The TT’s doe urine you’re using today was collected a week or two ago.”

Thibodeaux equated using TT’s Buck Wild doe-in-heat urine to eating a good, fresh piece of tuna versus eating tuna out of a can.

“Because we offer urine this season that was collected this season, we don’t have to add all the additives to keep it fresh and from turning into ammonia,” Thibodeaux said. “And to make it even better, we run all our collections through a stainless steel system rather than metal because urine is so acidic it eats up that metal, which ultimately contaminates the urine.”

Thibodeaux said the TT’s product is great for spraying boots, or using on drag rags tied to boots. And some hunters have told him they’ve been using it along lanes and pipelines about every 40 or 50 feet so the wind carries the scent into the woods.

“If a buck is cruising a thicket off that pipeline, he’s going to smell it,” Thibodeaux said. “He’s going to cross that pipeline and go to the scent rag. That’s why you want to make sure you put it out on the upwind side of the pipeline — to get him to cross that lane and give you a shot.

“And, yes, it will work great in a mock scrape.”

For more information about Thibodeaux’s doe-in-heat urine, search for TT’s Buck Wild Deer Scents on Facebook, or call 865-250-5856.

About Chris Ginn 778 Articles
Chris Ginn has been covering hunting and fishing in Louisiana since 1998. He lives with his wife Jennifer and children Matthew and Rebecca along the Bogue Chitto River in rural Washington Parish. His blog can be found at