Duck season opens throughout the state during November, and runs on and off through late January and early February in some areas.
Many of the spots used by duck hunters are also popular kayak fishing areas. Most duck hunters head out while it’s still dark, so if you’re launching before daylight or in the low-light hours, make sure you are well lit and keep your head on a swivel. Most modern duck boats can run in extremely shallow water, and simply hugging the bank in your ‘yak is not a guarantee of safety.
Most hunters don’t enjoy having fishermen in or near their ponds or blinds, as it flares the ducks. Use courtesy and common sense.
Hunters will be camouflaged and you might come upon them without seeing them. If so, quietly move on. Be on the lookout for parked boats or a bunch of ducks that don’t move. Be courteous and give them their space.
Try launching a little later. The hunters usually aren’t hunting past 10 a.m., and winter fishing gets better as the day warms up.
Use your flag and wear bright clothes to make yourself more visible, and keep an eye and ear out for hunters traveling on their way out after wrapping up. Everyone can peacefully coexist and be safe — we’re all Louisiana sportsmen out doing what we love.