Hunting over bait the most common violation
With the weather warming up, Lake Verret is a great option for a day on the water. Water conditions aren’t optimal, with murkiness being the rule right now, but that hasn’t stopped the bass and bream bite,’s Andy Crawford discovered yesterday (March 25)
“The water on Lake Verret … is muddy,” Crawford said. “It’s not really not pretty bream water, but the fish are here.”
Crawford and son Garrett began the day bass fishing, puting about 10 fish in the water. Sebile crankbaits were the key, but the pair of anglers gave up on the bass about noon without a single keeper.
Turning to crickets, they fished from Four Mile Bayou through Grassy Lake (where the water was pretty nice, comparatively) and into the Bayou Sherman/Cheramie complex before heading to the south end of Lake Verret.
“The bite was weird,” Crawford said. “The fish would snatch the cork under, but often wouldn’t even suck the bellies off of our crickets.”
They weeded through a lot of small bream to put a small batch of fish in the box before heading home.
“We’ve gotten bites all day; it’s been pretty difficult,” Crawford said. “This cold front that passed through seemed to really shut them down.”
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