Fishing for panfish in small waters with crickets is nothing new, but rigging on a new Berkley Gulp! 1-inch Cricket turns heads and stretches lines.
Whether fishing for bluegill, crappie or yellow perch, Gulp! Alive!/Gulp! 1-inch Crickets can catch them all, and is durable enough to last more than a couple of rounds.
Live crickets come with a short life span on the end of a hook. These Crickets never die and outfish and outlast the live version.
Berkley Gulp! Alive! 1-inch Crickets are soaking in a 2.1-ounce resealable jar full of irresistible Gulp! Alive! juice. The Gulp! version is available in convenient resealable 8-count bags. Gulp! Alive! and Gulp! Crickets are completely biodegradable. To refresh, simply put the Cricket back in the jar.
Crickets come in four fish-catching colors; Cricket Brown, Breen, Chartreuse and Green Pumpkin.
Retail: $5.95 (jar), $3.99 (bag)