Marsh Man Masson vid: Salted vs. Unsalted — which worm catches more fish?

Test results don’t turn out exactly as expected.

There’s a reason manufacturers produce worms infused with more salt than a bag of potato chips in addition to those designed for bass on a low-sodium diet. Each type of worm has its specific applications and patterns when it shines.

But my son, Joel, and I wanted to see which would produce more fish on a line of rocks that holds small marsh bass this time of year. We fished with the same terminal tackle — a 4/0 wide-gap hook — but I went with a salted Zoom Trick Worm, while Joel fished the unsalted version.

I thought I knew how things would go, but the results couldn’t have been more different, proving it always helps to have lots of options in the tackle box to discover what the fish want on any given day. The outcome defied logic in my mind, but there was no arguing with it. One type of worm was clearly better on this day.

Watch the video for all the details.

If you enjoy it, please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to the Marsh Man Masson channel on YouTube. Also, leave a comment here or on the YouTube page. When do you prefer unsalted worms over salted, and vice versa? Historically, I have fished unsalted worms only on football jigs and shaky heads, but I may expand their use in the future.

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About Todd Masson 754 Articles
Todd Masson has covered outdoors in Louisiana for a quarter century, and is host of the Marsh Man Masson channel on YouTube.