
Water, Water Everywhere

It was an early January morning, and a bright moon, two days past full, cast an eerie light across the swamp. A bitter North Louisiana cold snap had kept the temperature below freezing for several days, and now it was in the low 20s with a light north wind. […]


It Ain’t Rocket Science

Twelve-year-old Louis Rossignol Jr. hadn’t been in his box stand overlooking the foodplot for 10 minutes, and his heart was already in his throat. His eyes bugged. He didn’t breath; he gasped. His father — tense, eyes riveted — looked over his son’s shoulder.[…]


Situational Bowhunting

The situation appears perfect. A nice buck and two mature does are 100 yards in front of your stand. They are feeding in the wide open. They don’t know you exist. You can already taste the paneed backstrap.[…]