
Permanent Plots

Let’s face it: Plowing, soil testing, liming, fertilizing, planting and killing weeds to maintain a green field includes exhausting work and often great expense. A green field, like a two-edged sword, can and will attract and feed deer.[…]


Unintended Outcome

It was several years ago when Wild Turkey Hunting Club decided to move from an anything-goes buck management plan to a requirement that bucks have at least 6 points before members could shoot them.[…]


Water, Water Everywhere

It was an early January morning, and a bright moon, two days past full, cast an eerie light across the swamp. A bitter North Louisiana cold snap had kept the temperature below freezing for several days, and now it was in the low 20s with a light north wind. […]


It Ain’t Rocket Science

Twelve-year-old Louis Rossignol Jr. hadn’t been in his box stand overlooking the foodplot for 10 minutes, and his heart was already in his throat. His eyes bugged. He didn’t breath; he gasped. His father — tense, eyes riveted — looked over his son’s shoulder.[…]