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New sun study bad news for anglers

My 84-year-old grandfather has had so much skin cancer surgery, it’s amazing he still has any dermis covering his body. A fair-skinned man of English descent, he worked his entire life as a glazer, and consequently spent nearly as much time outside as your average tree.[…]


Goose Gear

I cannot count how many times I have traveled the back roads through Rayne, Crowley, Kaplan and Gueydan and points in between on my way to Pecan Island.[…]


Pompano Purists

Perhaps no fish off of the Louisiana coast is more of a mystery than the Florida pompano, especially considering the regard it holds in fine dining establishments across the nation.[…]


Water, Water Everywhere

It was an early January morning, and a bright moon, two days past full, cast an eerie light across the swamp. A bitter North Louisiana cold snap had kept the temperature below freezing for several days, and now it was in the low 20s with a light north wind. […]


Dandy Dozen

Officially, it’s designated the Biloxi Wildlife Management Area. Not because it’s anywhere near Biloxi, but because it’s owned by and leased from the Biloxi Marsh Corporation.[…]