
Union Work

Union Parish is over 561,000 acres in size and is 85 percent forested. For the past three years, it has ranked first in total whitetail harvest, according to the statewide reporting system.[…]


Ground Check

Before Hurricane Katrina, Washington Parish deer hunter Alan Williams hunted Bogue Chitto National Wildlife Refuge from the ground because he wanted to. Now, more than six years after the historic hurricane, he hunts from the ground because he has to.[…]

Deer of the Year

Cecilia hunter takes monster Sherburne buck

Nick Thibodeaux had missed a great deer last season while hunting on Sherburne Wildlife Management Area. He wanted to get into that area for another try, but he wasn’t sure it was worth the effort after the major flooding earlier this year.

So Thibodeaux scouted the area a week ahead of the Oct. 1 opener, and he was happy with what he found.[…]