Deer of the Year

Tensas Parish trophy killed during hunt that almost didn’t happen

Hunters dream of that one defining hunt, when everything comes together and culminates in a wallhanger to make buddies jealous. Greg Krause’s day came on Nov. 13, but he almost passed the opportunity.

“When I stepped out the camp that morning, I was greeted by temperatures in the 60s, a howling wind and, worst of all, a big, bright full moon shining down on the area,” Krause said. “I thought to myself, ‘There’s no way I’m going to see any deer this morning with that big moon out,’ but then again you can’t kill them from the camp!”[…]

Deer Hunting

What pirogue to choose?

There are many different models of pirogues on the market, as well as homemade ones, and it is largely a matter of personal choice as to which one to use. I have owned both the Bobcat and Water Moccasin brands, and was happy with both.[…]

Deer Hunting

Safety first

One has to be very careful in a pirogue because life-threatening accidents can happen in a split second. Craig Chandler discovered this several years ago while hunting on Dugdemona River.[…]

Deer Hunting


Ricky Hano was sneaking through his all-time favorite hunting area back in January 2004 when he spooked a buck. As the mature deer made its escape, the hunter could see the huge set of antlers bobbing up and down.[…]

Deer Hunting

Hookings are scrapes

In an area that is covered by a minimum of several inches of water, it’s obvious that there can’t be scrapes on the ground. But it would be misguided to think that Joyce WMA deer don’t put down scrapes.[…]


Back Off

I’m not sure what it means to hunt anymore.

I used to know, when I snuck through the hardwood ridge between my parent’s house and the Bogue Chitto River with my single-shot 20-gauge shotgun crossing my chest at the ready, listening for shaking tree branches.[…]

Deer Hunting

Right rifle

There are a myriad of rifle options for deer hunting, and everyone has their favorite. What likely ranks at the bottom of the list of most of today’s hunters would be the lowly .30-30.[…]