Apex Predator

Picking the pockets

After archery season ends I’m a sad pup. Though after putting the rod in the boat for the first time in months my tail’s a wagging. It’s time to go after those bass and frogs.[…]

Ask Captain Paul

Don’t get LOOPed in

Dear Capt. Paul:

I would like to set waypoints surrounding the LOOP restricted area as to help avoid the big nasty gray boats. Would you have waypoints and the leased blocks in which the LOOP is located that would help mark the area in my GPS?[…]


The house search

Nothing is more terrifying to a homeowner than a “hot” burglary. That’s what detectives call incidents where cold-blooded cretins, crawling out of their skins with drug addictions, creep a house with the occupants home, generally asleep.[…]


Pimp my ‘yak

An unseasonably warm winter saw many kayak fishermen in Louisiana enjoying an extended season without the need to bundle up and venture out on cold, blustery days.[…]


The baiting game

The spring gobbler season begins in March and is the last hunting season before agents move almost entirely to the water for enforcement of fishing and boating regulations for spring and summer.[…]


Lil John new go-to bait

Month after month for the last year or so, Jeff Poe has talked glowingly about a soft plastic that he wasn’t sold on until his son and fellow charter boat captain Nick Poe threw him some one day when the younger Poe was tearing them up while very few, if any, speckled trout were going into the boat skippered by Jeff Poe.[…]


Put a ribbon on it

The deer hunting is over and it’s time to talk turkey. But before the gobbling and clucking begins, the 33rd Annual Louisiana Sportsmen’s Show & Festival will take place in Gonzales on March 9-11, and it is time to look at some of those deer heads that were featured in the Deer of the Year story in last month’s issue.[…]


It’s a bird; it’s a plane

If it’s not a bird and it’s not a plane and it’s over the ocean, its bound to be a flying fish, one of the most interesting fish in the Gulf of Mexico. Actually, there are more than one species of flying fish in the Gulf: 12 of them, in fact.[…]


A new year in paradise

The magazine in the doctor’s office referred to Grand Teton National Park as a nature lover’s paradise. No doubt it is, especially in the winter when the game descends the mountains and walks around with the humans.[…]