
Am I falling apart?

One day back in early March, being in a bit of a rush, I leaned my back against the closet door jamb to pull on a pair of socks. Knowing better, but refusing to acknowledge the physical cautions that come with age, I pulled on my left sock in one quick motion as I stood balanced on my right foot.[…]


Preparation meets opportunity

When selecting a monthly topic for Happy Trails, my usual goal is to write about something that will allow me to share the knowledge and experience that I have gained through more than 40 years of chasing whitetails. I also like to provoke thought and discussion about certain topics and issues.[…]


Does the moon really matter?

As regular readers of “Happy Trails” have come to know, I am a trail/scouting camera fanatic, and use the data I derive each season from my web of cameras to tell me when and where deer, and bucks in particular, move on my personal hunting property.[…]


More than just photos

A couple of months ago, here in Happy Trails, I discussed whether or not the use of trail cameras actually diminishes or takes something away from some people’s overall hunting experience.[…]


We’ve come a long way

As the title of this article suggests, when it comes to scouting camera technology and use, we have come a long way in a relatively short span of time. Scouting cameras of one form or another have been around for more than two decades, but the most-recent transformations of this tool have been nothing short of remarkable.[…]


Get your strategies in order

As we transition from early to mid-summer, let’s take a look at some strategies that can really pay off next fall and winter. The hunting break between the end of spring turkey season and the beginning of fall bow season is not the time to lay back and rest if you want to maximize your results next deer season.[…]