
TUF-Line SuperCast

SuperCast delivers a significant advancement in superlines by having the ease and handling of monofilament and the toughness of braid. With its smooth outer coating, SuperCast allows for longer distance and effortless casting without spooking nearby fish.[…]


Running of the bulls — How to catch Black Bayou Lake’s bull bream

The broad-shouldered man actually tiptoed when he moved around in his boat. “Being quiet,” he explained, “is real important when you are fishing for bull bream in shallow, clear water.”

We were indeed in shallow water — 2 to 3 feet deep. Through the tea-colored water, multiple, round plate-sized bream beds could be seen as dark blotches on a lighter bottom. A resident male bluegill was likely hovering over or around the nest, guarding it against intruders that could eat his eggs or young.[…]


Deep-drop Bream — How to catch summer bream in deep reservoirs

Is there anything better than the fast action of a spring bream bed? The big redears we call shellcrackers in South Louisiana and chinquapin up north go to the warming shallows first, followed by bluegill and other sunfish.

When that happens, it’s time to take advantage of the golden opportunity to battle big panfish on a fly rod or ultra-light spinning gear.

Filling the cooler with chunky “bull” bream can work up an appetite, remedied by a fish fry at sundown. It’s just one more reason to love spring in the South.[…]


Feds should get out of the way

Regional management of red snapper just won’t work. The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act under which snapper management is conducted simply won’t allow for it. Nope. Won’t work. Can’t do it. Won’t do it.[…]