
This could happen to you; be prepared

A couple of weeks ago, my dad, my buddy Randy and I made an afternoon hunt down at the Atchafalaya Delta WMA. It was a very cold afternoon with the temperature dropping rapidly as the light of day faded. After an uneventful hunt, we all made our way back to the boat to begin the 50-minute ride back to the Berwick boat landing.

We laughed at the fact that frost was forming on our bow cases, something you don’t normally see at that time of day. Soon, however, our laughter would stop, as an event would unfold that you should hope never happens.[…]

Waterfowl & Duck Hunting

Seven tips for late-season waterfowl success

This is it! We are in the heart of the second split; it is time to pull out all the stops. Nothing can be overlooked. I know y’ll are tired of the mud and low water, tired of being wet and cold, tired of having your birds flare and just plain tired of going duck hunting.

But guys, this is what it is all about. This is when we actually have the best duck hunting in the country – there are plenty of us who would argue the best duck hunting in the world.[…]

Deer Hunting

Fuller takes 190-inch buck during Bossier Parish hunt

Forty-six-year-old Randy Fuller from Haughton is fortunate that Red Oak Timber Company from which he leases a 100-acre plot of mixed pines and hardwoods hasn’t gotten around to cutting all the big pines on the property.

Fuller likes to climb big, mature pines to nose-bleed heights, which gives him a decided advantage over the deer on the property. He has his climbing stand secured to one of those big pines, and on the morning of Dec. 11 he shinnied up to a dizzying height of 50 feet to settle in for a deer hunt.

“I like to climb high because I can see down into thick stuff where if I’d spent time on the ground cutting and trimming, there’s the chance a buck would get suspicious,” Fuller explained.[…]

Deer Hunting

Quality management pays off with 150-inch buck

When Milt May purchased a 3,000-acre tract of land in Madison Parish six years ago, it already had a head start on helping May fulfill his purpose for the purchase – to turn the former farmland into a mecca for waterfowl. Appropriately, the tract was named Waverly Waterfowl, was enrolled in the Wetlands Reserve Program and had been planted in thousands of ash, cypress and oaks.[…]