
Net Gains

The quarry had been spotted nearly an hour earlier, and the debate among crew members pertaining to its pursuit had transformed the helm of the sportfishing boat into a courtroom. All parties were experienced offshore anglers, and both sides had their opinions on the strategy of chasing shrimp trawlers in the deep waters off of Fourchon.[…]


Can’t Eat Just One

Two years of tough red snapper fishing have taken their toll on anglers who count the delectable dwellers of the deep among their favorites. Especially off of heavily pressured areas such as Grand Isle, offshore anglers are eager to use every advantage to land their share.[…]


Permanent Plots

Let’s face it: Plowing, soil testing, liming, fertilizing, planting and killing weeds to maintain a green field includes exhausting work and often great expense. A green field, like a two-edged sword, can and will attract and feed deer.[…]


Mucho Mackerel

The wheels on the shiny black Explorer spun and squealed. The outboard on the Pro-Line roared. But nothing moved. Neither was budging on that backdown ramp. The pot-bellied guy at the boat’s wheel wouldn’t give up.[…]


Ship Shoal Slammers

Three anglers admired the all-too-uncommon spectacle of a gently rolling half-foot open Gulf swell at the same time they readied their long Carolina-rigged leaders in anticipation for the captain to give the OK to drop baits to the bottom.[…]