Agents cite subject for night hunting violation in Cameron Parish

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries enforcement agents cited a subject for an alleged night hunting violation in Cameron Parish on Dec. 18.

Agents cited Charles Scott, 49, of Johnson’s Bayou, for taking a deer during illegal hours.

Agents received a tip about a deer that was harvested before legal shooting hours on the morning of Dec. 18 in Cameron Parish. During the investigation, agents learned that Scott cleaned a deer on someone else’s property that same morning.

Agents made contact with Scott and he admitted to harvesting a doe deer around 4 a.m. Agents seized the deer meat and donated it to a local charity.

Taking a deer during illegal hours brings a $900 to $950 fine and up to 120 days in jail. Scott will also face civil restitution totaling $1,624 for the replacement value of the illegally taken deer.

Agents participating in the case are Sgt. Anthony Verret, Sgt. Justin Lowry, and Corporal Dylan Armentor.