LDWF accepting applications for deer and waterfowl lottery hunts on WMAs

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) is accepting applications for deer and waterfowl lottery hunts on LDWF Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) for the 2024-2025 hunting season. The deadline to apply for the deer lottery hunts is Aug. 31, and the deadline to apply for the waterfowl lottery hunts is Sept. 30.

Lottery hunts for deer and waterfowl will be held for the physically challenged and disabled veterans on select WMAs. Go to https://louisianaoutdoors.com/lottery-applications for more details. A general waterfowl lottery hunt will be held on Bayou Pierre and Sherburne WMAs.

Lottery hunts for deer and waterfowl will be held for youth between the ages of 10-17 on select WMAs. Note that youth under the age of 10 may apply, provided he or she will be 10 on or before the date of the hunt for which they apply.

All lottery applications are available on the LDWF website at https://louisianaoutdoors.com/lottery-applications. To apply, update or create your customer details similar to purchasing a license and then submit an application. There is a $5 application fee and $3.50 transaction fee per application. Paper applications are not available.

These hunts offer the opportunity for selected hunters to experience an enjoyable, unique experience. Details of qualifications, application requirements, application deadlines, and dates of the hunts are set forth in the application instructions for each lottery.

For more information on LDWF lottery hunts, go to https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/lottery-hunts.

All visitors to LDWF WMAs, refuges, and conservation areas must have either a WMA Access Permit, Senior Hunting/Fishing License, Louisiana Sportsman’s Paradise License, or Lifetime Hunting/Fishing License. Go to https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/wmarefugeconservation-area-licenses-and-permits for more information.