Time to be thinking about turkeys

Turkeys at our property in East Feliciana were regular visitors during the deer season, and as spring approaches they will hopefully begin to be more frequent in the green patches.

Hopefully, you planted some clover in your patches last fall, because the turkeys dearly love it.

Turkeys need the green foliage for egg production, so keep this in mind if you want to do something for them.

Now is the time to also be thinking about sites you can clip and/or plow that might help attract some birds prior to and during the season. This is the legal way to attract the turkeys, and prevent any problems that could come your way from putting out “yellow gold.”

About David Moreland 246 Articles
David Moreland is a retired wildlife biologist with LDWF, having served as the State Deer Biologist for 13 years and as Chief of the Wildlife Division for three years. He and his wife Prudy live in rural East Feliciana Parish.