LDWF warns public of potential fish kills due to freezing temperatures

As more winter-like temperatures are settling in across Louisiana and an arctic blast moves across the state, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries warns the public of potential fish kills throughout coastal Louisiana due to freezing water temperatures.

If fish kills do occur, evidence of such could be delayed as fish may not be visible for a week or more after a cold kill.

Coastal species commonly impacted by low water temperatures are Sand Seatrout (a.k.a. White Trout), Red Drum, Black Drum, and Spotted Seatrout.

“Typically, water temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit for more than a day cause problems for Spotted Seatrout, whereas Red Drum are slightly more tolerant and will begin to experience problems when temperatures dip into the mid-30s,” explained LDWF fisheries biologist Jason Adriance. “The rate at which the water cools is also important. If fish have a chance to acclimate and move, the potential for survival is higher.”

Inland fisheries biologists are not expecting severe impacts to freshwater sport fishes, although fish kills may occur in inland waters.  There is the potential for small isolated mortality of shad due to the colder-than-normal water temperatures, but this should not pose a significant impact to the populations.

Should you come across significant numbers of dead or dying fish, LDWF encourages you to contact the Department. Contact information and requested reporting specifics are available here: https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/fish-kills.  Be prepared to provide your name, phone number (in case additional information is needed), along with the location, including good directions to the fish kill site, the approximate quantity, and species of fish, and their condition (still dying, all dead, decomposing, etc.).

Anglers should be aware that creel and size limits remain in effect, as well as legal methods of take, and harvesting fish beyond those regulations is illegal.