Hungry trout thick from Raccoon Island to Ship Shoal 33

After eight straight days of wind so strong nobody could leave the launch, Capt. Marty LaCoste found calm and clean water yesterday morning (June 26), and those same conditions continued on his trip this morning.

“It took two days for the water to calm down and clear up, and the trout bite is smoking hot,” LaCoste said.How hot is it?

Absolute Fishing Charters‘ LaCoste, along with Elton Rodrigue and Joel Wakeland, finished a 75 trout three-man limit by 7:45 this morning. And to hear LaCoste tell it, they didn’t have to worry about throwing back any popcorn trout.

“We had fish up to 18 and 19 inches today, and I don’t think we threw one fish back,” LaCoste said. “And we didn’t have to worry much about dealing with anything other than trout, either. I think we had maybe five Spanish mackerel, and maybe five ladyfish.”

Admittedly, LaCoste doesn’t know if the fish lay low during the windy conditions and didn’t eat much, but that’s sure what it seems like on the water.

“Those trout act like they are starving,” he said. “I guess they’re making up for lost time in all that wind. Nobody could get to them anyway, so they definitely haven’t had any pressure on them.”

LaCoste is noted for throwing double rigs out of Bayou DuLarge, and today was no exception. However, he added that it didn’t really matter what he and his crew threw today because trout bit everything they fished.

“Every cast,” LaCoste said. “It didn’t matter what bait or what color.”

LaCoste found these trout on all the structures from Raccoon Island out to Ship Shoal 33. This entire stretch of water had about 2 feet of visibility, and the trout were obviously gorging themselves on some kind of minnows.

“I think it was glass minnows, but it was hard to tell,” LaCoste said. “When they came up shaking their heads, they spit up half-digested bait. Every one of them spit up the same stuff, but it was hard to make out what it was. Glass minnows is my best guess.”

But LaCoste didn’t see any of these minnows on the surface. Perhaps that’s why his best bite was closer to the bottom.

“Most of the fish we caught today were on bottom,” LaCoste said. “We had to throw out our baits and let them sink for maybe a five or six count. Then we would just allow our double rigs to slowly drift in the current.”

LaCoste estimated that 90 percent of his bites came right at the five or six count, as the baits were falling or just as he engaged his reel and started slowly reeling them in. It seemed like the slower his double rigs moved today the more bites he got.

“I don’t see anything slowing this bite down,” LaCoste said. “As long as the weather stays calm and the water stays clear, it should be fast and furious for at least the next five days.”

Click here for more information or call LaCoste at 985-856-4477.

About Chris Ginn 778 Articles
Chris Ginn has been covering hunting and fishing in Louisiana since 1998. He lives with his wife Jennifer and children Matthew and Rebecca along the Bogue Chitto River in rural Washington Parish. His blog can be found at