Don’t mess yourself up when fishing points

Capt. Danny Wray would probably close up shop and become a golfer if all the points on the backside of Grand Isle were to suddenly disappear.

Last April and May, the personable guide absolutely whacked the speckled trout while focusing nearly all of his attention on points.

“The magic venue is prominent points,” he said. “You see a long point that’s sticking out that’s not eroded, there’s a reason it hasn’t eroded. It likely is surrounded by oyster shells.”

If such a point has clean water around it, it’s a slam dunk that there’ll be trout there.

“The common mistake out here is that people think they have to fish the actual point,” Wray said. “They’ll motor up to within casting distance of the point, and they’ve already screwed up. They went right over the fish.

“The fish are actually in waist-deep water off the point.”

The point bite last spring was best on a rising tide in the morning, Wray said, and then it got tougher for a few hours in the middle of the day. The points would turn back on during the late-afternoon falling tide.

About Todd Masson 734 Articles
Todd Masson has covered outdoors in Louisiana for a quarter century, and is host of the Marsh Man Masson channel on YouTube.