Josiah Harrell, 9, who shoots 4H Archery with West Feliciana 4H, shot this doe, his second deer of the season, on Oct. 19 with his new Elite Basin set at 36 pounds with a Goldtip Velocity Pro arrow and a 125gr G5 Montec weighing 325 grains.
“Josiah Harrell, 9, decided to shoot 4H Archery with West Feliciana 4H last fall. Shooting his Elite Ember, in his first year competing in the 9-11 year old compound division he won the LA 4H 3D State Championship in April 2023 in Shreveport. He shot a 20 target round with a score of 204! It was IBO scoring rings on the targets, so 220 would be highest possible score. So, he was begging me to bowhunt this fall, so I told him if he got to 35 pounds, I would let him try. He got his new Elite Basin up to 36 pounds and shooting very good. So, I told him we would have to get them close. I have him setup to shoot 15 yards and less. On Oct. 7 he had an opportunity to harvest his first buck in West Feliciana Parish. He made the 12 yard shot from his ground blind and the deer ran about 100 yards and was recovered with the help of our neighbor’s dog, Oscar. Then on Oct. 19 he finally got a shot at a doe. He waited until she was perfectly broadside and sent one thru the shoulder blades from 13 yards for his 2nd deer harvest of the season with his bow. He is shooting an Elite Basin set at 36 pounds with a Goldtip Velocity Pro arrow and a 125gr G5 Montec weighing 325 grains.”
-Joshua Harrell