Kaze Breaux caught this bass in a neighborhood pond in Gonzales, La., using a custom crankbait that he painted himself! The bass weighed 3 pounds, 4 ounces.
Kaze Breaux caught this bass in a neighborhood pond in Gonzales, La., using a custom crankbait that he painted himself! The bass weighed 3 pounds, 4 ounces.
Riverdale Academy’s Colton Caskey has shown that dedication and success can pay off on the high school bass tournament level.[…]
With Lake Fausse Pointe fishing smaller, bass anglers in the winter and spring months need to cover as many potential hotspots as possible.[…]
Eric Pledger of Timpson, Texas, was fishing a Fishers of Men Tournament at Toledo Bend on Feb. 1 when he caught a 12.98-pound bass.[…]