Five-year-old brings in bull drum

My two daughter’s and I were fishing in the marshes of Pointe aux Chenes. The oldest daughter is 5 and the youngest is 2. We ran from storms for a while after daylight in the morning. Finally around 8 a.m. we got in the marsh I usually fish in August. The tide was coming in hard, which is usually what I like. I caught many limits in there before. I didn’t see any reds so I was blind casting when I hooked into something. After I made sure the hook was set I gave the line to my 5-year-old, Adalyn Mcelroy. It took her about 10 minutes to get the bull drum in. I’m unsure of the length or weight. I fish a lot and I’m sure it was at least a 25-pound fish. Didn’t see any reds and the marsh was torn up. Very sad no grass at all with the Bayou Blue Canal being blocked off to the north.

-Zach Mcelroy