Seed Snatchers
Toward the end of our most recent summer, sleepy-eyed residents lying in bed watching the 10 o’clock news perked up their ears at the mention of four words seldom uttered in the Bayou State: “late August cold front.”[…]
Toward the end of our most recent summer, sleepy-eyed residents lying in bed watching the 10 o’clock news perked up their ears at the mention of four words seldom uttered in the Bayou State: “late August cold front.”[…]
The cool front that blew through Louisiana last week caused the doves to scatter a little bit. […]
In addition to opportunities on several wildlife management areas, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is making three private fields available to dove hunters on opening day.[…]
Each year, as club president of a hunting lease I share with several friends, I am required to record and report to the land company we lease from deer harvest information.[…]
What do shade, loose cotton clothing and a koozie holding a cold beverage mean in July for Louisianans?[…]
The smell of fat, homemade biscuits and Community coffee greeted us as we rolled out of bed.[…]
There were just too many caribou charging through the valley at once. Hank, 11 years old, had a hard time drawing a bead on a good bull.[…]
Trivia has it that Georges Auguste Escoffier (1846-1935), the father of French cuisine, listed frog legs on the menu of the famous Hotel Carlton in London as, “Cuisses de Nymphe Aurore.”
Considered a disgusting food by the British, who could resist an item on the menu with a name such as “Legs of the Dawn Nymphs?”[…]
Don’t put away that shotgun just yet. There is still time to get into some late-season marshland rabbit hunting action.[…]
With cold, black noses pressed firmly against the steel door of the cage, the beagles whimpered in nervous anticipation. The smells of mud, cut-over pine and honeysuckle permeated the air, as 10 pair of puppy eyes watched camouflage-clad men remove shotguns from cases.[…]
And here I thought “Shark Expert” Dr. Erich Ritter took the cake.[…]
You should never underestimate an opponent whose ancestors hung out with Tyrannosaurus Rex.[…]
My first dove decoys were made of cardboard and inspired by a bird watcher.[…]
“There’s somebody back there!” Eddie hissed, spraying me with whiskey spittle as he pointed a gloved finger behind the duck blind. “I’ve been hearing them all morning.” His eyes were wild. His lips quivered. “SEE!….. Hear THAT?!”[…]
The dictionary defines instinct as “a complex, unlearned, adaptive response to some situation or experience.”[…]