
Crappie crooks

February can be a little slow, as far as hunting and fishing goes. Hunting seasons are ending. The fish aren’t spawning yet, and besides it’s still pretty cold for getting in a boat.[…]


Panko Trout

Private chef Tracy “T.L.” Bayles used a lot of Panko bread crumbs when he cooked in restaurants, and now likes Panko so much that he seldom uses other bread crumbs.[…]


Does the moon really matter?

As regular readers of “Happy Trails” have come to know, I am a trail/scouting camera fanatic, and use the data I derive each season from my web of cameras to tell me when and where deer, and bucks in particular, move on my personal hunting property.[…]


Stand up and fish

After three days of northwest winds, the winter cold front left the water in Fourchon only inches deep and muddier than the Mississippi. These conditions don’t build high expectations.[…]