
Turkey Tornado

If Alaska had a huntable population of turkeys, Franklinton’s Randy Stafford wouldn’t be stuck on having killed a turkey in 49 out of 50 states.[…]


Wild turkeys benefit from NWTF

In all the hunts he has made to complete his goal of killing a turkey in 49 of the 50 states, Randy Stafford has seen firsthand what the National Wild Turkey Federation has done in regards to introducing turkeys to areas where there weren’t any before.[…]

Bass Fishing

In Plain View

I walked down to the dock and saw Craig “Bubba” Graham shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun, just staring into the water. Something had his attention.[…]

Freshwater Fishing

Why a hole?

Catfish noodlers, grabbers or wrestlers, whatever you call them, take advantage of an important trait in the biology of North American freshwater catfish. They need to spawn in cavities of some kind.[…]


D’Arbonne’s Daffy Divers

It was late evening in the early summer. The five men assembled on the back deck of the Petrus family camp, set on a hill slope overlooking Lake D’Arbonne, were engaged in a masculine redneck ritual. Bobby Petrus, a.k.a. “The Claw,” was grilling meat, and all of them were exchanging humorous insults.

The rough-and-tumble humor, mixed with an equal blend of braggadocio and self-deprecation, was delivered with powerful North Louisiana twangs in what a Cajun or a New Orleanian would consider a foreign language.[…]


Fish-N-Mate Powercart

Angler’s Fish-N-Mate Powercart will fulfill many uses from skeet shooting, pressure washing and lawn and garden maintenance to carrying large loads of equipment to fishing piers, bridges or the beach for surf fishing.[…]

Deer Hunting

Deer Darlene

Dr. Scott Tynes’ wife Angie and sister-in-law Kim don’t have to scratch their heads wondering what they’ll make for dinner whenever a member of the family kills a deer.[…]