LDWF deploys Cotile Lake Christmas Tree reefs

(Photo courtesy LDWF)

Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) Inland Fisheries biologists deployed a total of 100 Christmas trees at 13 locations throughout Cotile Lake in Rapides Parish on February 7th, 2024.

The reefs are held in place by concrete anchors and will serve as desirable protective cover for young fish. In addition to providing protective cover for young fish, the reefs attract adult bass and crappie, providing convenient areas for anglers to target some of their fishing efforts.

The Christmas trees for this project were donated by area Lowe’s Home Improvement stores in Pineville, Opelousas, Baton Rouge, and Alexandria.

(Photo courtesy LDWF)

The reefs are not marked.  Anglers can use the coordinates below to locate the reefs:

Reef 1 31.330350° -92.738067°
Reef 2 31.323083° -92.737433°
Reef 3 31.314633° -92.73685°
Reef 4 31.31435° -92.735933°
Reef 5: Cotile Fishing Pier 31.330108° -92.727257°
Reef 6 31.30675° -92.733183°
Reef 7 31.306767° -92.733083°
Reef 8 31.325467° -92.734083°
Reef 9 31.3299° -92.738833°
Reef 10 31.334350° -92.723800°
Reef 11 31.334317° -92.723900°
Reef 12 31.313917° -92.734417°
Reef 13 31.314817° -92.7355°

To view the location of other public freshwater artificial reefs throughout the state, visit the Louisiana Outdoor Explorer, click on the “Get on the Water” tab, and then select “Freshwater Artificial Reefs” under the layer list.