Changes in Canada goose hunting regulations affect length of season, license purchases

At their August meeting, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission approved several changes to the 2009-10 Canada goose hunting season in Louisiana.

One of the changes was extending the Canada goose hunting season from 16 to 44 days allowing hunters to take a Canada goose during the entire second segment of the duck season. The Canada goose season will be from Dec. 19 to Jan. 31 statewide, except for a small closure area in southwest Louisiana.

The daily bag limit is now an aggregate bag limit with white-fronted geese (specklebellies) allowing hunters to take two dark geese with no more than one being a Canada goose.

Lastly, the special $5 permit that has been required to participate in the annual hunting of Canada geese is no longer required. As long as hunters are legally licensed to hunt waterfowl, they may participate in the Canada goose hunt.