After coordinating with landowners in West Feliciana Parish, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) had a successful woodcock banding night on Dec. 12 with 78 birds banded!
Woodcock begin arriving in Louisiana from their northern breeding grounds in early November. They begin their return migration to the northern U.S. and Canada in early February.
During the winter, woodcock often spend their nights feeding on worms in harvested agriculture and fallow fields. During this time, LDWF biologists capture and band them to gain valuable information on survival, harvest, and movement data.
As part of statewide woodcock banding initiative, LDWF has been attempting to expand its access to nocturnal woodcock habitat.
If you are a landowner with harvested crops or fallow fields and would like to coordinate with our field biologists to conduct research on your property, visit the Private Lands Management Assistance Program website at
For more information on woodcock in Louisiana, go to