Why a pile of sticks forces deer to look away

While talking bowhunting with Stephen Chatman not too long ago, local hunter Bill Knight stopped by and couldn’t help but tell me a unique way he has to hunt deer over a corn pile.

“People might laugh at me for doing it,” Knight said, “but if I’m hunting over a corn pile, I take some limbs and pile them up in a V shape facing away from me and put the corn right there in the V.”

Knight noticed a while back that too many deer were coming to his corn and looking straight up at him in his tree stand.

“I started using the V by accident,” he said. “There was a couple of trees that had fallen down in front of my stand, so I just poured the corn in between the trees where they made the V.

“Wasn’t too long before a buck came and messed up by sticking his head in there.”

Now Knight piles up sticks high enough so a deer can’t feed over the pile of sticks, which forces them to feed with their heads down below them.

“I’ll tell you it works,” he insisted. “Putting corn out like this makes your deer look away from you when they want to eat corn.”

About Chris Ginn 778 Articles
Chris Ginn has been covering hunting and fishing in Louisiana since 1998. He lives with his wife Jennifer and children Matthew and Rebecca along the Bogue Chitto River in rural Washington Parish. His blog can be found at chrisginn.com.