River flooding ‘poses a potential risk of over-harvest’ of deer, LDWF says
Editor’s Note: The deer-hunting closure has been postponed and will last only a week in most of the region. Please jump to this story to read the updated information.
Deer hunting season will close at sunset on Dec. 29 along the Mississippi River from the Arkansas state line south to Vidalia, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries announced this evening.
The closure, enacted due to flooding of the Mississippi River, begins at sunset Dec. 29, the agency reported.
All land east of U.S. Highway 65 from the Arkansas state line to Vidalia are included in the closure, the LDWF said. Parishes affected include East Carroll, Madison, Tensas and Concordia.
“Continued unrestricted hunting under these circumstances poses a potential risk of over-harvest of the deer resource and may pose a significant risk to the hunting public because of the increased concentration of hunters in the areas where deer and other wildlife are located,” the LDWF news release read.
The season will resume when flooding recedes and conditions allow, the LDWF reported.
If you hunt Mississippi land, similar closures are expected to begin by Jan. 1. Click here to get the details, along with maps.