Properties of ethanol

• Mostly produced from corn fermentation (in the United States), primarily in the Midwest.

• Ethanol is a clear, colorless liquid with alcohol- or liquor-type odor.

• Ethanol is extremely flammable, burning with a colorless flame.

• Ethanol is denatured for use in fuel applications (5 percent gasoline) as a requirement by law.

• Ethanol has a 30 percent lower BTU heat value than gasoline (this is the reason for poorer fuel mileage). This is why automobiles using E-10 see 6 to 8 percent lower fuel mileage, and so called “Flex” vehicles designed to run on E-85 (85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline) see a whopping 40 percent lower fuel mileage.

• Ethanol has a 113 octane rating.

• Ethanol is very hygroscopic (water magnet).

• Ethanol is an extremely good solvent properties (this is why it dissolves gums and varnishes in your fuel tank and possibly fuel hoses that plug carbs and fuel injectors).