LWFC passes NOI to remove seldom-harvested reef fish from state regulation

Resulting limits and regs would be consistent for both state and federal waters

The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission on Thursday passed a notice of intent modifying reef fish regulations that would remove several seldom-harvested species from state management.

The proposed change would result in consistent regulations on these species for both state and federal waters, according to a news release.

To view the notice of intent in its entirety, click here.

The proposed rule would remove dog and mahogany snapper and schoolmaster from the 10-fish-per-person recreational creel limit for reef fish.

However, that daily aggregate creel limit would still be in place for queen, mutton, blackfin, cubera, gray (mangrove), silk, yellowtail and wenchman snappers.

The proposed rule would also remove the 12-inch minimum size limit for dog and mahogany snappers and schoolmaster, and the 8-inch minimum size for black seabass for both commercial and recreational harvesters.

It also would remove blackline tilefish and anchor tilefish from the 20-fish-per-person aggregate recreational creel limit for reef fish.

But that daily aggregate creel limit would still be in place for vermilion and lane snapper, gray triggerfish, almaco jack, goldface tilefish, tilefish and blueline tilefish.

It would remove red hind, rock hind and misty grouper from the four-fish-per-person aggregate creel limit for reef fish.

That daily aggregate creel limit would still be in place for speckled hind (limit 1 within the aggregate), black, red, snowy, yellowedge, yellowfin, yellowmouth, warsaw (limit 1 within the aggregate) and gag groupers and scamp.

It would also remove the current recreational closed season for rock and red rind, currently February 1 through March 31 of each year.

Interested persons may submit comments relative to the proposed rule prior to September 4, 2014 to Jason Adriance, Office of Fisheries, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, 2000 Quail Drive, Baton Rouge LA  70808 or by e-mail to jadriance@wlf.la.gov.