The Wildlife and Fisheries Commission passed a notice of intent to establish multi-day possession limits for spotted seatrout and red drum while on a multi-day charter boat fishing trip. The rule will allow recreational fishermen on multi-day charter trips the same possession limits as other recreational anglers who are operating from their on-water camps along the coast.
The possession limit as proposed by this rule would be three times the daily bag limit for red drum and spotted sea trout if the fisherman can:
- Provide a receipt from the licensed charter guide showing payment and dates of the multi-day charter trip,
- Demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the fisherman has been on a multi-day charter fishing trip, and
- Demonstrate that the fisherman has been actively on the water or at a remote camp that can be accessed only by water for two days or more.
The fish shall be kept whole or whole gutted in separate bags for each species of fish and should be marked with:
- The date the fish were taken,
- The species,
- The number of fish contained in the bag, and
- The name and license number of the person taking the fish.
The fish shall only be in the possession of the person who took the fish. Fishermen who meet these provisions may possess more than the daily bag limit on the water for purposes of transportation, however, no fisherman shall be actively fishing or engaged in fishing while in possession of more than the daily bag limit.
No charter guide and/or deckhand may keep any limit of red drum or spotted seatrout when operating or conducting trips subject the provisions this rule.
To view a copy of the notice of intent visit: https://www.wlf.