
Fly anglers want to know where’s that global warming we were promised?

February normally begins the transition from winter to spring here in Louisiana. If normal prevails, expect to see big bass searching for beds this month. Choose large flies that can be worked very slowly on the bottom near bedding areas. Those include Magnum woolybuggers, Sqwirms, Bass Bullies and Calcasieu Pig Boats.

Crappie action on fly rod was terrific last month, and should only get better. Most of the catches came on Crappie Candies, Fluff Butts, Squirrelies, Coma Minnows and small Clousers. Let it sink deep; then strip in very slow, or work the fly under a strike indicator close to docks, grass lines and brush piles.

There’s still good numbers of rainbeaux trout in the Baton Rouge ponds. By now, they’ve acclimated to a diet of bugs. Late afternoon will see hatches of craneflies and strong feeding periods. Any dry fly will work.

Sightcasting to reds should be great, as clear water rules the ponds. If you find bait, you’ll find fish. Best bets are small crab patterns, Redkillers, poppers and spoon flies in darker colors.

Striper action kicks off this month on False River, Lake St. John, Concordia and Claiborne. Best action is late in the afternoon on clousers and weighted deceivers. Look for the surface activity, then cast, strip fast and hold on. The bone-jarring strikes are the reason why stripers are the most fun you can have with a fly rod.

About Catch Cormier 275 Articles
Glen ‘Catch’ Cormier has pursued fish on the fly for 30 years. A certified casting instructor and renowned fly tier, he and his family live in Baton Rouge.