RB Howe’s nice buck

Twelve-year-old RB Howe shot this buck propped up against the bottom of his deer stand on Oct. 15 in Bryceland, La.

“At 1:50 p.m. I texted my son RB to get down from the stand that he needed a break… at 2 p.m. I was fixing him a sandwich at the camp when my phone vibrated. It was a picture of his target buck at a pile of rice bran. I told him the wind was perfect for a belly crawl to the top of the hill above where he was. He took off and I was watching him on life 360 and watching pics of the deer… 15 minutes later I got a pic of the deer down… He shot him propped up against the bottom of his deer stand on  Oct. 15 in Bryceland, La. When I got there he was hugging that deer.”

Chauncey Howe