“My first buck was during the primitive season on Peason Ridge. My first time hunting it, a buddy of mine gave me a general area and an x. So I scouted it looking on maps and found a good clearing. Hunting it for couple hours with no luck so got down. Went and found some fresh white oaks dropping in a bottom climbed back up. Definitely the tree saddle makes it so much easier to set up. And 30 minutes later a really good 8-point comes in. Not 30 yards from me. Well you know the rest.
My second buck I was hunting the Sabine Island WMA, which is by my house. Absolute some of the most challenging place to hunt whitetail deer. Coming from north Arkansas I would see deer almost every hunt. Then moving down here, you’re lucky to see two deer a year in these river bottoms. But I set up, seen a deer about 200 yards running, like he may have been chasing a doe. I waited, never saw anything, decided to get down and get closer to where I saw the deer. Got back set up and five minutes later he walks out. Another tree saddle deer. Being mobile definitely has paid off. My third buck I had a game camera at Sabine Island WMA on a fresh scrap little did I know a black gum was dropping some little black berries. A lot of deer were frequenting the area. Had a really nice 10-point coming in so kept after it and finally got him. The funny part of the story, I dropped my buddy off. It could’ve been 7:30 maybe 8:00 when I shot. My buddy said “that better not have been you.” Knowing I only had one buck tag left and he knew if I shot it would be a good. Give him the oh text BBD. So yeah he didn’t get to hunt long. He had to help me drag out the swamp buck. No. 3 was the 10-point. Also the 10-point finally broke my 8-point curse. I probably have 20 8-points I’ve killed over the years. The 10 is my biggest to date.”
-Blake Oquain