Chef Pass tarpon

Parker Emery caught this tarpon using 8-pound line with his a bass rod on Oct. 14 out of Chef Pass. It was the first ever inshore tarpon he’s caught and was released after photos.


“I went out to catch trout and flounder out of Chef Pass. After catching a mess of flounder, I switched my focus to trout. While drop shotting trout, I hook into what I think is a trout, but I quickly learn different. As my reel is screaming (a bass setup with 8lb line as I almost exclusively bass fish) I see the fish jump realizing it is a tarpon. I am awestruck as I have never seen one in person and had never heard of them being caught inshore. I fight the fish for almost 30 minutes as it jumps 5+ft out of the air about 10 times. After landing the fish safely, I take pictures and release it to swim away safely for the next person to catch.”