Bass Fishing

Boat-launch bass

Modern bass boats are high-powered machines specifically designed to provide fishermen with all the advantages necessary to conquer the world of the largemouth bass. High-powered motors allow bass fishermen to quickly cover many miles in search of prime bass habitat.[…]


Pimp my ‘yak

An unseasonably warm winter saw many kayak fishermen in Louisiana enjoying an extended season without the need to bundle up and venture out on cold, blustery days.[…]


Drift ‘Yaking

Anchoring and trolling are undoubtedly productive methods of fishing in Southeast Louisiana. However, wintertime ‘yak fishermen who learn to drift will find that this method can put fish in the box when nothing else will.[…]


The Gold Mine

If you fish the famed Sulfur Mine in Galliano, you likely won’t find any gold, but you will find lots of silver and bronze. This old industrial mine site is a perfect place to take your kayak for limits of wintertime specks and reds.[…]


Winter yak fishing

Wintertime fishing in South Louisiana can be fantastic. The cold weather brings less fishing pressure and concentrates the fish in many areas that are easily accessible to kayak anglers.[…]


Where y’ak?

Fall is the time of year when trout begin their transition from the outer bays and journey into the interior marshes. This is great news for kayakers, as limits of trout will be within easy reach of these people-powered craft.[…]