Labrador Retriever PUPPY FOR SALE(Hamburg, La.)
This is Unie(first born of litter). 1 of 10 puppies from Hudson’s pistol packin Peaches’ first litter. Sire (Kai Kai Kimble) is an HRC grand champion and Peaches’ father is also.
This litter was born May 29,2024. Litter is doing well with house training. They enjoy playing in water, fetching and wrestling with litter mates. This group of fur babies is packed full of personality, drive and intelligence. Sire and dam are outstanding hunters as well as lovable companions. This litter will be the same! Already enjoying the company of numerous grandchildren since birth.
Vaccines and deworming are up to date. Heartworm, flea and intestinal parasites prevention has been initiated (Imoxi).
Hamburg, Louisiana Avoyelles Parish