Keep your eye on the sky

Jack crevalle frequent rigs in slightly deeper water.
Jack crevalle frequent rigs in slightly deeper water.

Along with baits, terminal tackle, and landing net, add “weather watching” to your summer rigs check list. Amid the rod-bending revelry of summer rig fishing, take precautions to keep everyone safe and comfortable. That starts with generous layers of sunscreen and lots of water, but don’t overlook the pleasant solace of a larger rig’s cooling shadow.

Thankfully, summer offers a lot of calm mornings that allow anglers to run where they please, fish what they want and simply pay attention to what can be a rapidly changing scenario. Pop-up storms are the bane of coastal missions that venture just far enough from the passes to risk challenging return runs, should the boom-and-flash show commence.

“Obviously, in Southern Louisiana, you can’t predict the weather,” warned Capt. Ross Montet. “You have to watch the radar so you know what’s going on. You don’t want to be out there and have a squall pop up.”

As Montet said, typical summer high pressure conditions bring relatively stable weather through the afternoon, when predictable showers occur. Low pressure systems, he said, are the trouble makers given to frequent temper tantrums.

“The wind will usually be up a little higher, you’ll have spottier showers in the morning, midday or afternoon. Somedays are a complete rain-out and you’ll want to stick inside.

“The good thing is that rain water will actually cool off the surface temperature, which can make your inshore bite last longer. It can even be good while the rain is coming through. I tell my people, as long as there’s no lightning, we can fish as long as you want; but if it starts lightning, we gone.”

About David A. Brown 323 Articles
A full-time freelance writer specializing in sport fishing, David A. Brown splits his time between journalism and marketing communications