Expert survival tips

Lt. Lane Kincaid of the Wildlife & Fisheries offered these pointers to help keep Louisiana sportsmen safe:

1) Have a plan — “Let someone know exactly where you are going and what time you plan to be back,” Kincaid said. “If you don’t, no one will know you’re lost.”

2) Be specific — “Never just say I’m going hunting on D’Arbonne refuge or Russell Sage. Give specific information about where you’ll put your boat in or park your vehicle and where you plan to hunt or fish,” he said.

3) Be prepared — “Have more than one tool to get yourself back,” Kincaid said. “Take a combination of cell phone, compass and GPS.”

4) Charge your phone — “Make sure the cell phone is fully charged before leaving home and carry an extra battery for the GPS,” he explained.

5) Protect your gear — “Keep your electronics in a plastic bag or other waterproof container, even if you’re hunting on the ground because you might fall in a creek,” he said.

6) Take a compass — “Learn how to use a compass, and carry one with you even if you have a cell phone and GPS,” Kincaid advised. “Electronics don’t always get good reception in dense foliage, but a compass never runs down, and they’re hard to break.”

7) Study a map — “Be familiar with the area you hunt or fish,” he said. “Get a map and study it so that you know the major landmarks.”

8) Stay put — “If you get lost, stay put if you are not familiar with the area or if you know someone is looking for you,” Kincaid said. “If you wander around it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.”

About Terry L. Jones 114 Articles
A native of Winn Parish, Terry L. Jones has enjoyed hunting and fishing North Louisiana’s woods and water for 50 years. He lives in West Monroe with his wife, Carol.